Knitter Tradition
Near Lake Titicaca at 12,500 feet above sea level, moms have been knitting clothing and whimsical animal toys for their kids since long ago. Over time finger puppets became a natural and important part of life for many women in the area.

Art and sustainability
Knitting puppets provides supplemental income providing women with a stronger voice within their household and community.

Working the Wool and the Land
Their lives revolve around their fields, so when potatoes, quinoa, amaranth, or barley are planted or harvested, knitters may not make as many puppets.
Otherwise knitting allows them to work from home while watching their children and caring for their llamas, sheep or alpacas.

Faith and Joy
They also love to dance, and in February the entire community dedicates itself to "La Virgen de la Candelaria”, one of the biggest religious celebrations in South America. Amazingly, even in their tough environment, their cheerful spirit shows in the quality, detail and creativity they knit into each puppet.